Friday 23 August 2024


I grew up thinking Love was a feeling - one that is very special and only lucky ones get to experience -  those butterflies, the euphoria and the weightlessness - but the more I kept leaving the day I was born behind, the more I realized  Love is not the firework that gushes into the sky as a bouquet of colors and  light, shining bright but then soon losing its spark to the vastness of a night sky.

What really is love then?

My experience with love and loss made me realize that love was never just a feeling but a commitment, a responsibility that we willing take on, even without being asked. It allows our thoughts the freedom to wander, does not let our wishes weigh down to the gravity of life. Love is that space, that very personal one, where we are not scared to express with honesty, where we do not handcuff each other with expectations - be it to reciprocate or to acknowledge. Love is the vision of seeing the best for someone and the best in someone however insignificant that is, it is the sight which notices flaws but chooses not to focus on them and only admire the radiance. 

It transcends beyond the physical boundaries of two humans, connects one soul to the other and there are no fireworks, no gushing streams, no racing hearts in that space but white clouds, soft breeze, tranquility, completeness and familiarity. There is nothing unknown about that feeling, it is as familiar as we are to ourselves. 

How beautiful would it be to love someone like this, without binding them in the vicious cycle of expectations and be loved likewise?

It is commonly said that opposites attract and that there is nothing new to learn from each other when the two people are similar. I differ - opposites attract to light up that firework, but travelling through time with each other they either settle in with each other's differences or drift so far apart that there is no string connecting them anymore. They start existing as separate individuals traversing different paths that can never cross.

I am more of  a believer in the soulmate kind of connection! No matter how physically far both the souls are - the thoughts, the values, the likes and dislikes resonate - and maybe the resonance at times is so strong that they get pulled to each other unknowingly - and we credit the universe for conspiring to make them meet! 😉

Signing off for today!

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