Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Line between trust & truth

There are dreams, then there are desires and then there is reality. 

When I look back I see myself chasing something that has never been. An imaginary oasis that I have been chasing for half of my life – detouring multiple times because I was thirsty and it felt that reaching that oasis was the only way I could quench my thirst. Now that I have almost arrived at the seeming oasis, I realized there is none and what I took to be the source of my rejuvenation was a part of the same arid desert.

It was the shelter I was looking for after walking so long in the blazing sun, it was the respite I wanted, before I commence my next journey. It feels more dejected and heartbroken than ever before - being abraded at the only open wound I had, being led on in the hope of a destination.  Little did I realize that this destination would open me up to a lonely, cruel, ever stretching uncertainty - the bounds of which my eyes cannot gauge, the difficulties my mind cannot measure, the pain and hardships my heart cannot weigh.

I had tread difficult roads, have gathered a lot of dust on the way, the taint that the dust had on me was not the colour I was born with, neither was it the colour of my heart - my heart is still red, as red as my untainted blood; is still pure, as pure as true love. Then why was I judged, why did they not choose to see me without the dust? Why did they let me in and threw me out like I was only dust and never meant anything else. 

Human minds are proving to be more complicated than I ever thought them to be. I failed to notice the dangerous undercurrents, failed to save myself from stepping into the quick sand. Did I already fall prey to a conspiracy, are the ones I have trusted more playing a dirty prank on me - just to laugh at the me in the end? Whom do I trust, why can I see multiple faces opening up infront of me layer by layer and each layer looks  more scary and brutal than the other.

Destiny or Us?

I have been a believer of persistence, of resilience but never of luck so much!

Maybe because I never felt endowed with it or maybe because I have never met people who have achieved something just because lady luck smiled at them. From people at home to people in the world outside I have always met ones who have been hurdled by destiny - ones who continued their journey braving the hurdles with a persistent HOPE. It would be too fancy to say all of them reached where they wanted to - no, they did not, some are still on their way up and some are in motion but have lost their north stars.

The latter are the ones I want to dwell upon. For everyone else, they know where they are headed and the feeling of having reached there is a familiar one. What about the ones who have lost sight of their destination for reasons best known to them - and are moving because being stagnant enervates them. What hope to they bear in their hearts. Are they hopes of finding their lost star on the way or hopes of finding a new destination all together?